Friday, June 22, 2007

Talking about Freedom of Expression & the Need for Self-Expression


I will be on Steve Lendman News & Information Hour tomorrow from 1-2PM EST, accessible at (just go at about 1PM and click on "on air now"). I will be talking about my two books, which were written for two very different purposes and audiences.

* For those of you who are interested in civil liberties, the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, the UN Charter of Human Rights, or anything related to the protection of sacred individual rights (which for me also includes the preservation of our planet and all living things), you might not see how these things connect to my Archetypes for Writers book, especially if you don't see yourself as a writer.

But I promise you, these things ARE connected.

* For those of you who are writers or wannabe writers and don't see the connection to human rights or civil liberties or global warming or war and peace, again, I promise you, they ARE connected -- and I will be talking about HOW they are connected and what bridges I hope to build in both camps.

This might seem arrogant to some. Who am I to build such bridges? Who am I to claim I have some special knowledge that connects these two huge fields? Many of you know me as a friend, a simple activist, a teacher, or a socially inept sometime writer.

Well, I am just those things: I am just one imperfect human being who has done extensive work in both fields and who wants to share my knowledge and insights with others who care: both human/civil rights/peace/justice activists and creative folks who try to reach people through the deep expression and universality of their creations.

Steve Lendman has been kind enough to offer me this wonderful opportunity to talk about these connections. Steve, a 75-year-old humanitarian, a man who came to writing articles and doing his radio show only in the recent past, a man who cares deeply about what's happening in the world today, has had many on the air recently whom you might recognize: British journalist John Pilgers, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, former attorney Lynne Stewart, Sami Al-Arian's wife, court-watcher in the Dhafir case: Katherine Hughes, and many, many more.

There are no call-ins on this show yet, but if you EMAIL ME YOUR QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE OF THE SHOW, I promise to answer them on-air, if possible. (If you email me during the show and I receive the email during the show, I will TRY to answer your question, as well.)

All our voices matter. Please let me hear from you! (You may remain anonymous, too, if you prefer.)


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